Walking through any slum can make you question why urbanization is so great. Sanitation and sewage problems are disturbing by sight and smell. In Kigundu Zone, Uganda, a group of women have started discussing the flooding that occurs in their part of the slum when the rains come. The water from the open water system floods into their mud paths and into their houses, not only a terrible disturbance, but dangerous for water born diseases and attracting mosquito’s that may carry malaria.
In early October Aaron, the MicroGrant facilitator in Wanteete Village, approached the women about a MicroGrant. He listened intently during their second meeting while the women discussed the multitude of problems facing them: poverty and unemployment, orphans who have lost their parents to HIV and other diseases, lack of education, sanitation and flooding. They ultimately decided to address the flooding that occurs, a serious social sector problem not being addressed by anyone. They are thinking about fixing the trench which runs through the slums with a $1000 MicroGrant.
This group of women are taking care of the kids, attempting to start small businesses and now volunteer their time to fixing a community trench. Many of the men have abandoned their families and left the women without resources, yet the women are pushing to get their kids into school and dinner on the table. Some organizations have attempted to clean up slums through volunteer cleaning efforts and education project but few seem to ask the community how to do it and dare them to do it with funding. We will now get to see how the women in Kigundu Zone tackle the problem.